The Controller’s Toolbox by TaraByte Solutions consists of 11 reports of which 10 are appropriate for all costing methods supported by Fishbowl.
Getting Started: Extracting the Reports from the zip file.
First, you'll need to extract the reports from the zip file you downloaded. Right click on the file then select extract files... you can select where to save your file, in this example we saved it to our Desktop. After selecting where to save, click okay. In the Desktop Folder, you'll see the following five folders with the reports:
All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports
- Costing Layers with Transaction Source
- Export Inventory Adjustment
- Export Sales Transactions
- Inventory Valuation by Account
- Payment Transactions
- Transaction Detail Receiving
- Transaction Detail Sales Tax
Average and FIFO Reports
- Export Purchase Transactions
- Export Work Order Transactions
- Average Cost Package
- Inventory Valuation With Sorting Options Average Cost
- FIFO-LIFO Cost Package
- Inventory Valuation By Location Groups FIFO-LIFO
- Inventory Valuation With Sorting Options
- Standard Cost Package
- Costing Costing Review Standard Cost
- Export Purchase Transactions Standard Cost with DS
- Export Work Order Transactions Standard Cost
- Inventory Valuation With Sorting Options Standard Cost
Next Steps: Setting up in the Fishbowl Reports Module
Bring over the Fishbowl Report Module window front and center. Right Click the Company folder and click New Folder. Edit the new folder name by double clicking and highlighting the text. Name this new folder Controller's Toolbox 2020.
Adding subfolders for the Controller's Toolbox
Bring over the Documents Folder Window with the Controller's Toolbox Folder Open. Hover over the first folder All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports right click and select the option Rename. The folder name will be highlighted, press Ctrl C to copy the name.
Return to the Fishbowl Reports Module Window, right click on the Controller's Toolbox Folder, select New Folder. Rename the new folder All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports by clicking Ctrl V to paste.
Repeat the same steps for the following folders: Average and FIFO Reports, Average Cost Package, FIFO-LIFO Cost Package, and Standard Cost Package.
Final Steps: Uploading the Reports
Still in the Reports Module Window, click the Upload button at the top-upper-left corner of the window. The Upload a New Report Window will open. Click the Browse button, which will open a window for your systems documents.
In the upper right hand corner you'll see buttons with icons, select the home button, this will navigate you to your Desktop Folder. Open the folder labeled Controller's Toolbox 2020. In the Controller's Toolbox 2020 Folder you'll be presented with the same folders, All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports Average and FIFO Reports, Average Cost Package, FIFO-LIFO Cost Package, and Standard Cost Package.
Open the first folder All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports and select the first report file, Costing Layers with Transaction Source, click Open. This will return you to the previous window Upload a new report.
At the bottom of the Upload a new report window, click Next. In reports Detail, under the Tree Position, select the option in which this report will be placed. In this example it's All Costing Methods Reports Common Reports. Click Finish to close the window.
Repeat the same steps until all the reports are in their designated folders.
You have now successfully uploaded the Controller's Toolbox Reports Package to Fishbowl Inventory.